Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I have decided to change my blog location to Wordpress. So please visit the new blog and stay tuned~~~


This is supposed to be the most hectic week of the semester.
Well, it must be for everyone but me. I'm done with school. No more finals, no more projects.

So what to do now?
1. Pack! I do regret that I've bought so much clothes. So much that, now, I'm having a hard time packing them into 2 suitcases and fly to London. A BIG thanks to vacuum bag.
What's up with that new luggage policies that all airlines are having? Air traveling is convenient but it's definitely not comfortable sometimes.

2. Clean up! This is a long and painstaking process of wiping, moping, scrubbing toilet, vacuuming. Since my parents are coming, I better make sure the house is shinningly clean!

3. Work out! I'm OUT of shape. Where are the sleek arms, smooth shoulder and flat tummy? I need to get ready for summer. Picture season is in!!

4. Make detail plans for our family's trip! I've been to many places in the US but this time will be different. Tulip Festival in Pella, shopping in Minneapolis, sightseeing and eating in DC and NYC have to be planned out perfectly. Traveling with your family is different to traveling with friends. They don't walk all day and then hit the bar at night. Dad doesn't like walking, Mom doesn't like stuffy places, sister doesn't like bad foods. All in all, it's a stressful task to complete but it's gonna be all worth it. Four of us traveling together, again! =)

Damn, that's a lot already!!! Get going.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


People asked what you thought of them. Let's say it's someone that you do not favor. what'd you say?
Well, clearly you have 2 choices
1. Lie to their faces and say all those sugar-coated words just to keep peace
2. Say what you really think about the person (yes, say the Bitch word if you need to) and booom! you might just have declared a World War 3

and those who asked also have 2 choices of showing their reactions
1. To quietly listen, openly accept the criticism, and process those thoughts in their mind, or
2. Pretend like they're listening and try to argue word by word just to defense themselves. Then after the so called "constructive conversation" they start to show you that cold war and awkward emotion.

I pity those who dare to ask but dare not to listen to the answers that might make them unhappy...
you will always be as miserable as you're now if you can't change that attitude.
Maturity is proven by your actions, not by you saying that "I'm more mature than my friends!"

Good night!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm happy! Yes! After choosing many dark colors for the title "Color of the Year" in the past few years, finally, Pantone announced Mimosa to be the 2009 "it" color. =)))

I'm expecting to see many bursts of yellow on the Spring/Summer 2009 catwalk. Yes! Mimosa, as in orange-hued yellow.

Luckily, they did not choose black to symbolize the dismal housing market, ongoing war in Iraq, and perils of global warming...
or beige to represent the hesitation with which fashion designers are creating their collections, fearful that shoppers won't buy anything that's too out there.
But yellow. Searingly sanguine yellow.
Mimosa "represents hope and optimism — buzzwords for the new year after a 2008 full of instability and upheaval," - British Vogue.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Snow in April + Migraine + a sucky job + a lot of assignments + other shits = life in hell!

Im sleeping. Will take care of business tomorrow. Sigh.
Why, again?

Friday, April 3, 2009

~Year of a Million Dreams~

When we were young, we all wish to be a character in a Disney movie. Or at least I did. It was where the bad would be punished, the good would live happily ever after. It was where all the magics happened. I loved it, and I still do (though I don't believe in it so much anymore)

So when Disney published their "Disney Dreams Portrait Series" for their "Year of a Million Dreams" in 2008, I was very much curious to see those Hollywood celebrities playing Disney characters. Rewinding some childhood memories?

But when I found out that the photographer was going to be the renowned Annie Leibovitz, I was beyond excited. I always admire her artworks. And yes, she did not disappoint me this time.

Enjoy!! These pictures were taken in 2008 but they definitely worth looking at. You might see some familiar faces...

"Where The Magic Begins"
Julie Andrews as the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio and Abigial Breslin as Fira from Disney Fairies

"Where You're The Fairest Of Them All"
Rachel Weisz as Snow White

"Where Every Cinderella Story Comes True"
Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella

"Where Your Every Wish Is Our Command"
Whoopi Goldberg as the Genie

"Where A Whole New World Awaits"
Jennifer Lopez as Jasmine and Marc Anthony as Aladdin

"Where You're Always The King Of The Court"
Roger Federer as King Arthur from The Sword in the Stone

"Where Dreams Run Free"
Jessica Biel as Pocahontas

Fantasea inspired by Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Julianne Moore as Ariel and World Champion swimmer Michael Phelps as an adoring merman

"Where Wonderland Is Your Destiny"
Beyonce as Alice, Lyle Lovett as the March Hare

"Where Imagination Saves The Day"
David Beckham as Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty *muaks*

"Where You Never Have To Grow Up"
Mikhail Baryshnikov as Peter Pan, Gisele Bündchen as Wendy and Tina Fey as Tinkerbell

Friday, March 27, 2009


Thanks God It's Friday!!!
Everybody loves Fridays. I love mine cause I have class at 12 and they end at 2, a decent schedule for Friday classes. Unfairly, some lucky buggers don't even have classes on Fridays. But anyways, I don't complaint, as long as I get my food and sleep, everything is all good.

What now? Laundry, shower, meeting (Friday meetings suck) then some poker and Minneapolis tomorrow!!! I'm a bit worry about my appetite lately. I eat a lot at times but lose my appetite in between. Weird!

Anyway, TIGF! Happy go Lucky =) =)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


"Sometimes fate throws two lovers together only to rip them apart,
and sometimes the hero finally makes the right choice but the timing is all wrong."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Everything changes over time.

I don't quite agree with that. Yes, people change, places change, situations change. However, there are things that must remain eternally.
The friendships between people should never change.
The way you treat one another should never change.
The smile you have when you see a good friend should never change.
... that's the meaning of a true friendship.

I guess, not everyone agree with me. That's too bad. Yes, I have my motto in life and I live up to it. We don't value things in the same way. I'm not saying that you're wrong. But one day, when the table turns, when karma takes its toll ...

Good night!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It has been raining, since last night.
Raindrops fall little by little, subtly.
It doesn't show a sign of stopping.
The rain plays with your mind, it makes you wonder when it would stop. and you keep wondering more and more into infinity.
It plays with your heart. Walking under the rain just to find out that not only your cheeks are getting wet but also your heart. Rushing to find a shelter and avoiding the fear of loneliness. Your heart throbs.

I wish it was one of those summer's cats and dogs rains. Heavily pouring then quickly gone. Just like a summer fling.
They bring thrills and excitements.
But this is the opposite.
After this, grass will be greener, flowers will smell fresher. And everyone's heart will be merrier. Hopefully.

Spring is here.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Life will be meaningless if there is no goals.
Life will be boring if you stop seeking for new summits to conquer.

I want to
... do skydiving
... scuba dive into the ocean
... do backpacking around Europe
... visit Africa, especially Victoria Falls
... help unfortunate kids in any way I could
... have a real-love kiss in Paris

Call me "Greedy" but it's me. I dream big and live big.

~ spring break ~

There is a thing about college that I really like ... breaks!!
Thanksgiving breaks
Winter breaks
Spring breaks
Summer breaks
or breaks that you create by yourself (I mean skipping classes)

It's time for us to travel, relax or just catch up with old companies.
My last spring break as a college student had gone by and indeed, it was the best one :)
Maybe because I was able to do all the things above.
I traveled ... not to places that are far away and adventurous but it was fun. Thanks to my wonderful friends
I relaxed ... after a semester full of craziness in and outside of the classroom. I finally get to sleep, watch movies, read books, make plans and get a peace state of mind.
I got to catch up with old friends, spent time with the people who take a big space in my heart.


I also learned. Nothing is predictable. Nothing lasts forever. This also includes the people who once we trusted and loved so much.
Last moment you felt so much in love, told yourself "This is IT!" and together promised the words of eternity. The next moment, there are words, that soak up with bitterness, hatefulness, meant to hurt each other. We wonder "what went wrong?" In fact, nothing went wrong. We're all in the game of Fate. Just hold on to your faith that God won't mistreat good people.
I pray all the best to you, my friend. You will be loved, for who you are.


I also realized how lucky I am. If having great friends is having a treasure then I have had the biggest one of all.
Though I said "I have had enough with a small town!" but I will never had enough of those people who spent a part of their lives with me in this small town. I will miss this place and those people dearly much.


Can we have it all?

To live is to believe that eventually pieces will fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusions, live for the moment, and know that everything happen for a reason.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~ fate ~

it's not good to know so much about your future,
it tends to influence your thinking or your decisions.
sometimes it gives you excuses, you blamed whatever bad happened on fate
some people told me 'People's fate change every five years.'
Does it really?

it's not good if your sixth sense is so strong either
you can sense things that will bring you down.
sometimes, ignorance is a bliss...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


a blank state of mind.
i do.
it was.
will it?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

~ reason ~

"I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe

So true ...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

~ V-day ~

Valentine's Day isn't much different from any other day for single people. We will still be happy and busy (and lonely) like usual. So to all couples out there, celebrate your loves and enjoy every moment you could. To all the singles, faster couple up!!


Sarcastically, the day before the sweetest day of the year - the 13th - happened to be on Friday --> a black Friday! The way it went really served its bad label. First off, Midwest had snow, again! Just when I thought I could enjoy an early spring this year, we get 5 inches of snow dumped into Ames last night. Few days ago, it was all about sunshine, fresh breeze and jolly feelings. Now, it's all white, yickie and cold. The weather is being a PMS bitch!

Plus, companies seem to choose yesterday to deliver bad news to their poor employees. Two people I know in Microsoft and another in Deloitte got laid off. Microsoft even reported that there will be another 3500 people get sacked in the next 18 months. Poor my friends! I guess their V-
day turned out to be D-day =(
I wonder how the hell their bosses deliver this kind of news - "You just got laid off! Happy Valentine's Day" ?!?!?!

Funny fact, Microsoft gives their employees 15 free massages a year as one of the employee's benefits. I bet this was the only thing Bill Gates missed dearly when he quit the job.

Anyway, gotta get back to kiss my GMAT book. Please God Bless Me!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

~ ^o^ ~

"Don't worry. Work hard, stay cheerful and let love take care of the rest."

Mommy always knows how to make everything better. I wish to be at home, with mom and dad...

Friday, February 6, 2009


Wake up bright and early today. I look out from the window and it seems like a beautiful Friday is waiting ahead. As usual, I eat my cereral and flip through a few page of Harper's Bazzar, and ...

There is something so cheerful about this picture. May be because it has all what I like: sunshine, the beach, the smile, yellow and Louboutin shoes >"<
... One day, I will have them all for myself too!

Have a good weekend everyone =)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I used to get "PMS" when an old friend say that I have some short-term memory problem (sorry lah, I know I was ridiculous ToT) ... but I think it's true =(
This time, I'm worried! I told myself to call mom twice today to wish her have a good trip but then I forgot both time. This is not the only incident, I very often forget small things.
Once, I did laundry and realized that I forgot to bring quarters and detergent (yah, i only carried the basket of clothes) So I went back to my apartment to get those things, go back to the laundry room and realized that I only took the detergent and no quarters. Walked back to the apartment to get quarters, came back to the laundry room and found out that my detergent were missing. Well, the fact was, I carried the detergent bottle back with me to the apartment without knowing it and set it in the kitchen to go get quarters. >.<
Calling people with a wrong name, windie, junyi, audrey, chris, stevenn... ahhh why so hard to get it right?!?! I don't want to get Alzhimer when I'm old.. It's time for Mah Jung!

Anyway, back to mommy. Every year after Chinese New Year, mom will go on a trip to temples with our beloved "uncle." Their trips last for days. This is the time when uncle doesn't predict our family members' futures, he indeed talks about what happen to every single one of us
in the past year and gives mom advices. Mom will call tomorrow and I'm eager to talk to both of them. Now, I pray ... for daddy, for people I love and for myself... May everything be okay~~

Have a good night, everyone~!!

All the best from "forgetful"~~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

~healthy lifestyle~

After 4 months of eating, sleeping, procrastinating and no gym, I realized that my body is becoming a pile of fattening jello. Everything jiggles... Obama inspired me - "It's time for A CHANGE!"

Going to the gym in the afternoon was a wrong decision. It was packed!! Finally got on the elliptical machine and set my goal of running for 60mins straight. Sadly,
after 25 mins I was breathing like I have asthma since 5. Same for sit-ups, the record of one shot 500 now reduced to 250 and my face was as red as "guan cong" IZZIT A MISTAKE!!!!

Depresseddd!! So to make my plan become more thoroughly and feasiable, I decided to change my eating habits as well. Took a grocery trip to Hyveee (and hoped to see Oliver and Yeegin there since it's their house. wakakaka.) I told myself "ONLY BUY HEALTHY FOOODS!!" so i got:
4 boxes of Special K cereral (they're on promotions lahh)
apples (how i wish for mangooss)
8 cups of Weight watchers yogurt (also promotionss)
orange juice (wish mommy is here, she makes fresh orange juice with no sugarrr)
6 boxes of Lean cuisines (also on promotionss) Btw, whyy do they put diet meals on the isle opposite to freezers of ice-cream?!?!? I was more interested in Hagen Daaz than "frozen-healthy" food *sigh*
See, who said America don't promote healthy eating? A lot of promotions for healthy food (or is it because no one actually BUY healthy food in this place and Hyvee gotta get rid of them?)

Summer is coming, who would want to see a piece of jiggling jello in a tank top?!?! This time, I gotta make it!

Oliver is right! "It's good to make yourself always do something. Your life can't evolve around that!" A healthy mind comes from healthy habits~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

~economic crisis!?!?~

It has been a big concern for several months - the economic crisis!
From Bush to Obama, from Warren Buffet to my dad, everyone is addressing their concerns about the budgets, laid-offs, shrink
ing markets. I'm stressing out about where to find a decent job or money for Master. SOOO stressed out that I decided to take a mental break and do some online window shopping... And look these are what I found.

Yess! Their "Last Call Clearance" section is listed with price ranges from $1000 - $5000. This is the price for ONE ITEM and it's AFTER REDUCED. @.@

Let's check out another upscale website and see how the crisis really hits them

Dresses from Dior are put on sale - a rare thing for Dior. From $3000+ now down to $1500.. WOW! Is that what you call a sale?!?! People... it's my 4 month rent. If you have so much money then donate it to college funds, please!! ohh, and I mean "International Students College Funds"

So now my friends, don't worry so much, Obama is just making this economic crisis become a big deal. It's not bad after all, see how rich people swipe their plastics? *ppphhttt*

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Last day of January. I feel like I'm way behind my plans. Well, I can't complain much since I have made excuses for all the procrastinations and have let stupid things distract me.

So... say goodbye to all the excuses and sadness. After all, why being sad and guilty about what already happened when you have happy days to look forward to? {Well, make sure you carry on the lesson though, NOT the emotions!}

Now, what's up on the calendar?
1. GMAT on Feb 16th which means my romantic Valentine's weekend will still remain an imagination (>"<)
2. Grad school essays - boast all you can about your miserable self!
3. Master applications - $50-$70 for each school so around $400 is out of the wallet. How am I gonna shop?!?! I need retail theraphyy badly~~
4. Pack up my stuffs and I will be outta here!!!!

Many things plan out, some are set in stone but the big question remains... Where will I be in the next 6 months?
... will I be strolling down the street with a childhood friend in UK? (aww, just like when we were little) Tuning up with the London vibe and catching up with high end fashion? or
... will I be sipping hot coco with the cousins in Aussie while the rest of the world is enjoying the beach? or
... will I finally put away my "world traveler" ambition and settle down at home beside mom and dad?
"The answer for the future is determined by the actions in present." Am I doing enough things to build a good future? Probably not...

Let's get going~~!!