Tuesday, April 28, 2009


People asked what you thought of them. Let's say it's someone that you do not favor. what'd you say?
Well, clearly you have 2 choices
1. Lie to their faces and say all those sugar-coated words just to keep peace
2. Say what you really think about the person (yes, say the Bitch word if you need to) and booom! you might just have declared a World War 3

and those who asked also have 2 choices of showing their reactions
1. To quietly listen, openly accept the criticism, and process those thoughts in their mind, or
2. Pretend like they're listening and try to argue word by word just to defense themselves. Then after the so called "constructive conversation" they start to show you that cold war and awkward emotion.

I pity those who dare to ask but dare not to listen to the answers that might make them unhappy...
you will always be as miserable as you're now if you can't change that attitude.
Maturity is proven by your actions, not by you saying that "I'm more mature than my friends!"

Good night!

1 comment:

lim said...

hohoho, that's why I never ask people to comment me...