Wednesday, February 4, 2009

~healthy lifestyle~

After 4 months of eating, sleeping, procrastinating and no gym, I realized that my body is becoming a pile of fattening jello. Everything jiggles... Obama inspired me - "It's time for A CHANGE!"

Going to the gym in the afternoon was a wrong decision. It was packed!! Finally got on the elliptical machine and set my goal of running for 60mins straight. Sadly,
after 25 mins I was breathing like I have asthma since 5. Same for sit-ups, the record of one shot 500 now reduced to 250 and my face was as red as "guan cong" IZZIT A MISTAKE!!!!

Depresseddd!! So to make my plan become more thoroughly and feasiable, I decided to change my eating habits as well. Took a grocery trip to Hyveee (and hoped to see Oliver and Yeegin there since it's their house. wakakaka.) I told myself "ONLY BUY HEALTHY FOOODS!!" so i got:
4 boxes of Special K cereral (they're on promotions lahh)
apples (how i wish for mangooss)
8 cups of Weight watchers yogurt (also promotionss)
orange juice (wish mommy is here, she makes fresh orange juice with no sugarrr)
6 boxes of Lean cuisines (also on promotionss) Btw, whyy do they put diet meals on the isle opposite to freezers of ice-cream?!?!? I was more interested in Hagen Daaz than "frozen-healthy" food *sigh*
See, who said America don't promote healthy eating? A lot of promotions for healthy food (or is it because no one actually BUY healthy food in this place and Hyvee gotta get rid of them?)

Summer is coming, who would want to see a piece of jiggling jello in a tank top?!?! This time, I gotta make it!

Oliver is right! "It's good to make yourself always do something. Your life can't evolve around that!" A healthy mind comes from healthy habits~


lim said...

hahah linlin, all the best!

Theo.c said...

wth my HOUSE.. >< well if you can't find me in Hyvee I guess I'm taking a nap in Jungs (next to the Indomies)..